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KW Command

Keller Williams's proprietary software platform, Command allows agents to build and nurture their database, create and send out marketing materials, set and track goals, manage their sales pipeline, and more - all from one place. With both a browser based option and a mobile app, agents can run their business from anywhere, at any time.

Logging In

To access Command, go to and log in using the credentials you were provided during your onboarding with KW. If you have forgotten your username, please submit a support ticket and we can help you find it. If you have forgotten your password, please use the "Forgot Password" option on the login page. If you find yourself unable to log in, please submit a support ticket. Please note: your Command username is NOT your email address!

Complete Your Marketing Profile

Your Marketing Profile is where Command looks for info about you to use for your website, your marketing materials, and more. Making sure this is complete is a crucial step in getting your Command set up for use.

Go to your name in the upper right hand corner and click on it to reveal the dropdown. Hit "Settings", and on the left hand side of the screen click "Connect Settings" and then "Marketing Profile". Once you have filled out all your information, make sure you select the slider that says "use this for my agent site" and make sure you hit save at the bottom of the screen!

Start Building Your Database

Command is a powerful CRM - just import any existing contacts or manually add new contacts to get started, then use tags to organize your database into a powerful vehicle for business growth.

On the left hand side of your screen, the second icon down is the icon for Contacts. Click this to go to the contacts Applet, then click either "Import" or "Add Contact"

Import Contacts

To import contacts into Command using a CSV file, you can either use the Command Contact Import Template or a custom CSV file. If using the Command template, download the premade file, enter or copy/paste your contact data into the appropriate fields, and ensure the file is saved as a .CSV format. Avoid editing, deleting, or moving column headers, as this can cause import errors. For custom CSV files, ensure the file has only one row of column titles and at least a first name for each contact. During the import process, you will map the fields from your CSV file to the corresponding fields in Command. This includes options for mapping names, phone numbers, email addresses, addresses, and other details.

Once the file is ready, log in to Command, navigate to the Contacts section, and click "Import." Upload your file, map the fields as needed, and review the data in the "Review & Finalize Import" step to ensure accuracy. After finalizing, the system will process the import, which may take up to an hour depending on the file size and system activity. If any errors occur, you can access the Import Log to identify and correct issues before re-importing.

Add Contacts

Click the "Add Contact" button at the top right of the page to open the "Add to Contacts" form. Enter the primary details for the contact, such as their name, phone number, and email address. If you want to include additional information, click "Add More Information" to access fields for addresses, social media profiles, relationships, and custom fields. You can also mark the contact as a lead by checking the "Mark as Lead" box and selecting a lead source. Once all the necessary information is entered, click "Create" to save the contact.

Import Contacts Using the Mobile App

Using the Command Mobile App, you can import contacts directly from your phone! Especially when you are just starting out, there's no faster way to get the people you already know and talk to into your database.

Download the Command App and log in using your KW login credentials.  Tap the Contacts icon at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the three dots at the top right, then select "Import Contacts" and hit "Continue".  You will see a list of all your phone's contacts.  You can either hit "Select All" or select the checkbox next to any and all contacts you wish to import.  Once you've made your selections, hit "Continue" in the top right.
You'll see a status bar showing you the progress of your import.  Once done, you'll be able to see and work with these contacts!

Tagging Your Contacts

The best way to organize and systematize your database is to consistently tag your contacts. Contact tags can be used to filter and sort your database, as well as allow you to see important information about each contact at a glance. You can create custom tags for anything you want to know about the people in your system.

To create custom tags, go to your settings and under the Command Settings option in the left hand menu select Contacts ad then Contact Tags. You can create, delete, or edit your tags from this screen. You can also color code your tags!

To add tags to a contact, you can go into the contact and click the pencil icon to the right of their name to open the edit menu, then scroll down until you see "Tags". You can also bulk add tags from the main Contacts screen by selecting the checkboxes next to the contacts you wish to tag (or selecting the checkbox in the top left to select all) and then using the bulk action menu that comes up, you can select "Add Tags".

Use Smartplans to Stay Top of Mind

Smartplans are what we call our drip campaigns inside of Command, but they are also more than just that. With Smartplans, you can not only send automated emails and text messages, you can create tasks for yourself, you can daisy chain your plans, and you can create follow up systems that automatically start based on contact tags.

To get started with Smartplans, click the fourth icon down in the panel on the far left.  From here, you can either search the library for Smartplans or create your own.  To search the Library, click the Library tab at the top, then search by a variety of different parameters, including Smartplan name and author name.  Some good Smartplans to start with are the Monthly Neighborhood Nurture and the Quarterly Call Plan.
Creating a custom Smartplan is easy!  From the main Smartplans screen, click "Create" in the top right hand corner.  In the middle of the screen is the actual flow of the Smartplan.  On the left hand side are the different steps you can take on any given day of the plan.  To build your Smartplan, just drag an action over from the left hand side to the day you want it to happen.  Once you do, the panel on the right hand side will change and let you edit and manage the action you selected.  For example, every Smartplan starts on Day One, so if you want the first thing that happens to be an email, just drag "Email" over to Day One, and then fill out the content of the email over on the right hand side.
Once you have selected and built your Smartplans, it's time to subscribe your contacts!  You can do this in bulk, the exact same way you added tags in bulk, or one at a time by going into a contact, selecting the Smartplans tab inside the contact, and then clicking "Add to Smartplan".  You can also edit your Smartplans to use Trigger Tags, which will automatically subscribe a contact to that Smartplan when you tag them with the corresponding tag.

Opportunities are How You Systematize Your Conversion

An opportunity is a possible transaction, and the Opportunities Pipeline is how you track, organize, and systematize those possible transactions. Create your Opportunities the moment you have a substantive conversation with someone where they tell you they're ready, willing, and able to buy or sell real estate. From there, you can move the Opportunity through each phase of the pipeline - Cultivate, Appointment, Active, Under Contract, and Closed. Each of those phases is broken up into a number of stages, and you can fully customize those stages. You can also create a custom checklist for every stage, so that you know you are giving ever client and prospective client the same world class experience. Consistent efforts lead to consistent results.

Creating an Opportunity

To create an Opportunity, navigate the the Opportunities Applet by clicking the sixth icon down on the left hand side. From there, click the button that says "Create Opportunity" and fill out the fields. Each Opportunity must be associated with at least one Contact, so you can either search your database for an existing contact or you can create the contact right in this screen. Your Opportunity Name will default to the name of the Contact and the type of Opportunity (Listing, Buyer, Lease), but best practice is to change the name to include the property address as soon as it is known. Before clicking "Create", make sure you have selected the correct Phase and Stage!

Customize Your Stages

Customize the stages of your Opportunities pipeline by going to the pipeline you want to work on, clicking into whichever phase you want to edit, and then clicking "Stages and Checklists" in the upper righthand corner. From here, you can click "Add Stage" in the upper righthand corner to create stages, you can click the pencil icon next to any stage to edit that stage, or click the trashcan icon next to any stage to delete that stage. You can also click and drag to reorder the stages.

Create Stage Checklists

To create a custom checklist for a stage, from inside the "Stages and Checklists" menu from the previous step, look under the column header "Checklists" and click on the entry for the stage you want to edit. From there you can create, edit, or delete tasks. When creating tasks, you can select priority level, assignees (if on a team), what type of task it is, and if it corresponds to a smart due date. Smart due dates are important dates in the transaction that you can enter into the details of the opportunity.

Submit Compliance and Commissions

In addition to systematizing your conversion, Opportunities also house your compliance documents and allow you to submit your commission details so you can get paid.

Command and Docusign Rooms

Use our connection to Docusign Rooms to create, send for signature, and upload your compliance documents quickly and easily!

Create your Room

From the documents tab of your Opportunity, after you select your checklist you can click the button on the right hand side that says “Start a Transaction”. Once you do this, that button will change to say “Go to Transaction”. Starting a transaction will create a Docusign Room that will sync to your Oppportunity so that the information you put into your Opportunity appears in your Docusign Room and, consequently, in your forms. Clicking “Go to Transaction” will take you to that Docusign Room.

Create and Send Documents

When accessing the Docusign Room from Command, it will by default take you to the Documents tab of the Room. In the upper right hand side, you should see a button that says “Add” and when you click that you will see a couple options. The two most important ones are “From Computer” and “Docusign Forms”. The first will allow you to upload PDFs. The second will open up your forms libraries so you can see and add any forms you have access to. You should have forms provided by the office as well as forms provided by every REALTOR association of which you are a member. Select the documents you need, then add them to the room. Once they have been added, you can select the checkbox in the upper left hand corner of the document when you want to send that document for signature, then click the pen icon to create the envelope.

Upload your Documents

Once your documents have been signed, you can go to the Documents tab of your Opportunity. Since you created the Docusign Room through Command, the default option for attaching files will be from Docusign. to the right of each required, conditional, or optional document in the checklist, you will see a dropdown menu from which you can select any of the signed files from your Docusign Room to upload. Once you have uploaded all of the necessary documents in a particular checklist (Listed/Consultation, Under Contract, or Closed) make sure to hit the “Submit to MC” button for that checklist!

Create and Manage Offers

In order to manage your commission and submit to get paid, you first have to create and accept an “Offer” inside of the Opportunity. Please note that creating an offer here and accepting an offer here does not do anything outside of Command – you still need to create and submit your offers to listing agents as you normally would and as a listing agent you still need to tell the buyers’ agent when their offer has been accepted!

In your Opportunity, click over to the “Offers and Commissions” tab, then select “Add New Offer” and fill out the required fields. If this is the offer you will be submitting commission for, just click “Create & Accept Offer”.

Edit and Submit Your Commission

Once an offer has been accepted, you will see an option to Manage Commission. Once you are managing the commission, there will be a number of things you can do, including adding additional agents who need to be paid on the deal, adding any bonuses or concessions, adjusting the commission percentage, and more. On the right hand side, you will see a breakdown of the commission – what is on the check from settlement, what gets paid to the office, what gets paid to your royalty, and what gets paid to you. You can also view your cap status here. Once you have reviewed everything and ensured accuracy, just hit submit!

Use Designs to Create Marketing Materials

Our Designs applet comes preloaded with hundreds of easy-to-use customizable templates for print materials, social media content, even listing presentations and buyer presentations.

The Designs applet can be accessed by clicking the third icon from the bottom on the left hand side of your screen. Once there, you will see the most recent designs you have created, if any. You can search or filter designs you have already created to find previous materials and duplicate or reuse them.

In the upper right hand corner, click “Create Design” and select the design type to be taken to our design editors. We have one editor for Email Designs and one for Social and Print Designs. In each of these editors you will find many templates to get yourself started. There is also an option to create a Video design; selecting Video Design will create a video for any neighborhood you want that will include market information such as average home price, average days on market, and how many homes are currently for sale. The video will be one minute long and will be fully branded to you and your office.

Customizing Your Designs

The Command Designs editor makes it quick and easy to customize the provided templates with your branding and photos, as well as pictures and info of whatever property you may want to advertise. You can also include market statistics for an area without having to pull those numbers yourself!

Click and Replace

Basically everything in the editor is as easy as click and replace. For example, you can click on the listing image in a “Just Listed” post to select it, and then on the sidebar on the left you can find the image you want to use instead. Hover over that image, and you will see an icon that looks like two arrows forming a circle. Click that icon to replace the original image with the new one. You can do this with just about any element of the design!

Your Assets

In addition to stock images that you have access to in the editor and listing images accessed through KWLS, you can upload photos, logos, and other assets that you will use regularly for easy access. From the editor, click the “Assets” tab and on the left click the dropdown and switch from “Company Assets” to “My Assets”. You can then add or upload color pallets, images, fonts, logos, etc.

KWLS Listings

When editing a design, on the left hand sidebar you’ll see an option for KWLS. When you select this option, it will default to the Listings tab where you can search for any listing in order to access all of the listing data and photos that are in the MLS. You can then use these in your designs.

KWLS Market Snapshots

When editing a design, on the left hand sidebar you’ll see an option for KWLS. When you select this option, it will default to the Listings tab. Click over to the Snapshot tab to search for either a neighborhood or a zip code. You will see numerous options and layouts for graphics detailing important market stats generated automatically for you.

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Our Projects

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Jane Doe

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John Denver

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Michelle Smith

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Gilbert Fletche

Financial Strategist

Olivia Rodriguez

Financial Analyst

Johnny Rodriguez

Financial Analyst

Our work in numbers

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