Submit Compliance and Commissions
In addition to systematizing your conversion, Opportunities also house your compliance documents and allow you to submit your commission details so you can get paid.

Command and Docusign Rooms
Use our connection to Docusign Rooms to create, send for signature, and upload your compliance documents quickly and easily!

Create your Room
From the documents tab of your Opportunity, after you select your checklist you can click the button on the right hand side that says “Start a Transaction”. Once you do this, that button will change to say “Go to Transaction”. Starting a transaction will create a Docusign Room that will sync to your Oppportunity so that the information you put into your Opportunity appears in your Docusign Room and, consequently, in your forms. Clicking “Go to Transaction” will take you to that Docusign Room.

Create and Send Documents
When accessing the Docusign Room from Command, it will by default take you to the Documents tab of the Room. In the upper right hand side, you should see a button that says “Add” and when you click that you will see a couple options. The two most important ones are “From Computer” and “Docusign Forms”. The first will allow you to upload PDFs. The second will open up your forms libraries so you can see and add any forms you have access to. You should have forms provided by the office as well as forms provided by every REALTOR association of which you are a member. Select the documents you need, then add them to the room. Once they have been added, you can select the checkbox in the upper left hand corner of the document when you want to send that document for signature, then click the pen icon to create the envelope.

Upload your Documents
Once your documents have been signed, you can go to the Documents tab of your Opportunity. Since you created the Docusign Room through Command, the default option for attaching files will be from Docusign. to the right of each required, conditional, or optional document in the checklist, you will see a dropdown menu from which you can select any of the signed files from your Docusign Room to upload. Once you have uploaded all of the necessary documents in a particular checklist (Listed/Consultation, Under Contract, or Closed) make sure to hit the “Submit to MC” button for that checklist!
Create and Manage Offers
In order to manage your commission and submit to get paid, you first have to create and accept an “Offer” inside of the Opportunity. Please note that creating an offer here and accepting an offer here does not do anything outside of Command – you still need to create and submit your offers to listing agents as you normally would and as a listing agent you still need to tell the buyers’ agent when their offer has been accepted!
In your Opportunity, click over to the “Offers and Commissions” tab, then select “Add New Offer” and fill out the required fields. If this is the offer you will be submitting commission for, just click “Create & Accept Offer”.
Edit and Submit Your Commission
Once an offer has been accepted, you will see an option to Manage Commission. Once you are managing the commission, there will be a number of things you can do, including adding additional agents who need to be paid on the deal, adding any bonuses or concessions, adjusting the commission percentage, and more. On the right hand side, you will see a breakdown of the commission – what is on the check from settlement, what gets paid to the office, what gets paid to your royalty, and what gets paid to you. You can also view your cap status here. Once you have reviewed everything and ensured accuracy, just hit submit!
Use Designs to Create Marketing Materials
Our Designs applet comes preloaded with hundreds of easy-to-use customizable templates for print materials, social media content, even listing presentations and buyer presentations.
The Designs applet can be accessed by clicking the third icon from the bottom on the left hand side of your screen. Once there, you will see the most recent designs you have created, if any. You can search or filter designs you have already created to find previous materials and duplicate or reuse them.
In the upper right hand corner, click “Create Design” and select the design type to be taken to our design editors. We have one editor for Email Designs and one for Social and Print Designs. In each of these editors you will find many templates to get yourself started. There is also an option to create a Video design; selecting Video Design will create a video for any neighborhood you want that will include market information such as average home price, average days on market, and how many homes are currently for sale. The video will be one minute long and will be fully branded to you and your office.
Customizing Your Designs
The Command Designs editor makes it quick and easy to customize the provided templates with your branding and photos, as well as pictures and info of whatever property you may want to advertise. You can also include market statistics for an area without having to pull those numbers yourself!
Click and Replace
Basically everything in the editor is as easy as click and replace. For example, you can click on the listing image in a “Just Listed” post to select it, and then on the sidebar on the left you can find the image you want to use instead. Hover over that image, and you will see an icon that looks like two arrows forming a circle. Click that icon to replace the original image with the new one. You can do this with just about any element of the design!
Your Assets
In addition to stock images that you have access to in the editor and listing images accessed through KWLS, you can upload photos, logos, and other assets that you will use regularly for easy access. From the editor, click the “Assets” tab and on the left click the dropdown and switch from “Company Assets” to “My Assets”. You can then add or upload color pallets, images, fonts, logos, etc.
KWLS Listings
When editing a design, on the left hand sidebar you’ll see an option for KWLS. When you select this option, it will default to the Listings tab where you can search for any listing in order to access all of the listing data and photos that are in the MLS. You can then use these in your designs.
KWLS Market Snapshots
When editing a design, on the left hand sidebar you’ll see an option for KWLS. When you select this option, it will default to the Listings tab. Click over to the Snapshot tab to search for either a neighborhood or a zip code. You will see numerous options and layouts for graphics detailing important market stats generated automatically for you.
Why Choose Us
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Jane Doe

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John Denver

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Michelle Smith

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Gilbert Fletche
Financial Strategist

Olivia Rodriguez
Financial Analyst

Johnny Rodriguez
Financial Analyst
Our work in numbers
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